

Enhance your care delivery today

Create person-centred digital care plans, assessments, e-MARs and visit templates in minutes

Import your carer schedules easily, or use our rostering partner integration

Deploy information automatically to mobiles devices or Konnektis home hubs

Single live view of care needs and delivery at all points

Real time auditing, follow-ups and tracking for enhanced processes and regulatory compliance

Works securely online and offline for peace of mind

Konnektis enables care providers to save time and money, while improving the quality of service that they provide.

We help care providers to place the person at the centre of their care, enabling better communication and collaboration among support networks while empowering people to participate in their own health and wellbeing to the fullest extent possible.

The Konnektis platform is built with APIs and can integrate with other systems to get information and data securely to the right people at the right time.

Rostering and ECM

Documentation builder

Visit tasks and eMAR

Alerts and follow-ups


mobile apps

Live visit auditing

Konnektis supports person-centred care


People receiving care

Live care schedules and digital tools to support personal and direct engagement in health and well-being.

Care Teams

A holistic view of an individual's care with access to up-to-date, digital care information and the ability to send real-time alert notifications.


Meaningful information about care visits, updated in real-time.

Care providers

Personalised approach to care delivery, lower costs, more complete communication, improved regulatory compliance and richer data to support better decision making.